Play Padel
Play Padel is the community for racket sport players. Players can book courts, join open matches, social games, tournaments, meet new players, find rivals to improve their game - all on the mobile app.
Step into the exciting world of Padel without the stress of finding the perfect match. Our innovative service revolutionizes matchmaking by using a detailed level system, guaranteeing you well-balanced and enjoyable games every time. Join our community today and experience the thrill of each swing, connecting with players who share your passion and skill level. Let's make every match a memorable adventure in our vibrant padel community.
Social games
Elevate your padel experience with our exciting social games, like Americano. These dynamic formats are designed to foster camaraderie and competition, bringing players together in a lively, fun-filled atmosphere. Whether you're aiming to sharpen your skills or simply enjoy the social side of the sport, our padel social games offer the perfect blend of excitement and community. Join us and immerse yourself in the vibrant social scene, where every game is a celebration of padel passion and friendship.
Join us for an unforgettable tournament experience, renowned for its vibrant atmosphere and the pulsating energy of competitive padel. Our events offer top-notch facilities, ensuring every moment on the court is exhilarating and memorable.
Beyond the thrilling matches, indulge in delectable snacks and refreshing beverages while the infectious beats of music keep your energy levels high. Dive into the excitement, camaraderie, and high-spirited ambiance that define our padel tournaments. Don't miss out on the ultimate padel event—where competition meets celebration.
Play Padel app
Play Padel is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.
Join the growing community today!
Branding opportunities
We provide various options to drive your brand recognition among the players community
  • Court branding
    We brand the courts and padel accessories (water, t-shirts etc)
  • In-app ads
    In-mobile app advertisement of your goods and services
  • Branded events
    We organize social or competitive events under your brand
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